Music Lessons
Experienced and Highly Qualified Instructors
Providing Professional Music Instruction Across North County San Diego
Music Lessons For All Levels

Who do we teach?
We teach all ages and experience levels. We can teach a preschooler who is picking up a musical instrument for the very first time or coach an experienced musician who is auditioning for an orchestra or ensemble position and everything in between.

What instruments do we teach?
We teach the classic stringed instruments including the violin, viola, cello and double bass. We also teach basic to intermediate piano as piano is the second instrument to almost all musicians.

How do we teach?
Our lessons are 30-60 minutes depending on the student’s needs. We have a repertoire of pieces specific to the goals of each student. Our lessons include the necessary fundamentals of theory and scales appropriate to the student’s level. We also endeavor to teach our students about the history and composers of the music they are playing.

Where do we teach?
We teach from one of our studios located in North County San Diego or Encinitas. Learning in a comfortable, homey environment is key to student success.

Who will be my teacher?
When you contact us, we will discuss what instrument you play or want to play, what your schedule looks like and where lessons will be most convenient. Then we will determine which of us best suits your needs.
What is expected of us?
We expect the student to practice regularly throughout the week. This is the only way to become a musician. If the student is a child beginner, we expect the parent to be part of their practice time, to encourage them and keep them on task. (Don’t worry, we will coach you about how to do that if you are not a musician yourself!) We also expect you to respect your lesson time. If you need to cancel, we request you to let us know 24 hours in advance. Other than that, we just expect you to enjoy the musical journey.
Anything else?
Yes! We believe that working toward performing is an essential piece of being a musician. Respectfully, we ask our students to perform in a recital twice a year for their peers and families. It is a warm, supportive environment to celebrate the progress each student has made.
Do I need an instrument?
If you are new to a stringed instrument, we strongly recommend that you rent something first. We will connect you to the trusted businesses who rent quality instruments until it is time to invest in something. Obviously, if you are an experienced student you will have your own instrument. That being said, if you want to upgrade, we are available to advise.
Do you teach in other languages?
Yes, we can teach in Spanish, French, Italian and Russian.
What do lessons cost?
Our lesson prices are based on the length of the lesson and the experience of the student. Please contact us for more information.